Author Guideline's

  1. Articles submitted in the form of scientific papers such as research results, analysis/review of judicial decisions, theoretical studies, literature studies or conceptual critical ideas that are objective, systematic, analytical, and descriptive.
  2. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English which will be processed through the e-journal application on the site
  3. Writing uses standard language that is standard, straightforward, simple, easy to understand and does not contain double meanings.
  4. Manuscripts are sent in the form of document files with the overall length of the manuscript including footnotes ranging from 3,500-6,000 words. Manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract in Indonesian and English with a length of 200-250 words.
  5. The systematics of writing research results include: Manuscript Title, Author Identity (Author Name, Author Agency Name, Agency Address and email), Abstract (Indonesian and English) with the following outline:
    • Introduction
    • Method
    • Analysis and Results
    • Conclusion
    • Acknowledgments
    • References
  6. The systematics of writing decision analysis, theoretical studies, literature studies or conceptual critical ideas include: Manuscript Title, Author Identity (Author Name, Author Agency Name, Agency Address and email), Abstract (Indonesian and English), with the following outline:

  7. Writing citations using a footnote model following Turabian Style 8thedition. Writing footnotes makes use of reference management applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, and Endnote.
  8. The referenced bibliography should be from the most recent edition. Writing bibliography is arranged alphabetically following Turabian style 9thedition. The bibliography is compiled by using reference management applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, and Endnote.